September 2019

Along with many other areas of the digital world, Virtual Reality (VR) has developed in leaps and bounds over the last couple of years. With improved quality and affordability, it is now realistic for practices of any size to utilise VR in their day to day interactions with clients and project partners.

In early 2017 AEC Magazine reported that Gensler, one of the world’s largest design and...

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August 2019

The design of a building involves a lot of moving parts, an architect to develop the overall design of the building, a structural engineer to ensure that the designs are robust and the building will remain upright, and then the design needs to be handed over to a contractor to build. From a client perspective, one of the biggest drawbacks is the constant back-and-forth between companies.


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July 2019

We have discussed the use of BIM in publicly funded projects before. The government, and the devolved Welsh and Scottish parliaments, mandate the use of BIM in all projects. While local authorities and bodies like the NHS and Social housing providers have been less absolute about the use of BIM in their work it is becoming the norm where public money is being spent. One of the aims of publicly...

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May 2019

In our April blog we gave you an insight into the differing levels of BIM. Of Level 3 we said that it “uses a single, shared project view for data integration, which all parties can access and modify as allowed through process and security controls”. BIM Level 3 is the goal for the construction industry. Its main point is the attainment of full integration of project information in a...

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May 2019

In May 2018 the ICE (Institute of Civil Engineers) published an information sheet on BIM and its applications and benefits in the civils sector. A year later, use of BIM by consulting civil engineers is still only on a minority of projects. For civil engineers who regularly work with architects or structural engineers, BIM may already be part of their suite of tools. For those designing...

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