Measuring: What Is the Role of Real-Time Insights in Construction Project Success?

This blog is part of a series you will find out that companies with high levels of performance visibility are well placed to deliver successful construction project.

Demonstrating its own commitment to measurement, Procore commissioned Sapio Research to get an industry perspective on the extent to which construction businesses have visibility of performance. Sapio conducted an online survey in January 2021 among 820 middle managers and above, working for construction companies of 100 employees or more. Respondents were located in the UK and Ireland, France, Netherlands, Germany, UAE, and Canada; with roughly equal-sized samples in each location, the results are not skewed by any one country, usefully providing both national and international perspectives. This report is focused on the UK and Ireland, with insights provided by middle managers.

UK and Ireland companies included in the report:

  • Businesses engaged in fit-out activities 4%
  • Businesses engaged in commercial activities 13%
  • Civil engineering firms 35%
  • Businesses engaged in industrial activities 11%
  • House builders 38% ### What gets measured gets managed is a commonly heard management mantra, and today many construction managers have taken this to heart. In an industry that has long struggled to improve efficiency and productivity, the results indicate:
  • information technology is making project performance more visible, helping businesses:
  • improve quality
  • save time and money.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

KPIs measure the factors that are critical for success. They are also used by Banks to assess if a company is a good or bad credit risk.

  • In projects stage, you identify the project success factors
  • The challenge now is to find a way to measure each one.
  • KPIs are often shown graphically on a radar chart.


Benchmarking is a continuous process of comparing your performance against the competition to learn lessons from the best in the industry and make targeted improvements. For example, if you have agreements with more than one contractor under your framework, you can use benchmarking to compare their performance, so they will learn from each other and start to increase their challenging targets.

Essential Key Performance indicators:

  • Labour Productivity: The less productive the team is, the longer it takes before the project is completed. As a result, it can increase the overall costs.
  • Quality: quality metrics keeps a schedule on time and within budget.
  • Safety: understanding and knowing the workplace’s safety rating is key to reduce costs and keep the team productive.
  • Client Satisfaction: Asking clients directly will help you to know if you are doing a good job for them.
  • Time and cost: you want the cost of construction to be lesser than what a client is paying you so you can make a profit.

- Employees:

What to measure o Training completion and percentage rate o Turnover rate o Worker satisfaction

  • investing in people, acknowledging, and appreciating their work will make them: o perform more efficiently, o contribute more to the bottom line, and o stay longer with the company saving on recruitment costs. ### In Conclusion

Getting started on measuring and benchmarking has never been easier: - You will probably also need a few KPIs that are specific to your framework or project. - You are unlikely to have a balanced set of measures if you just measure the contractor’s performance. Consider also how to measure the success of the whole project team. - Above all, keep it simple with a manageable

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