January 2020

The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 became law in the spring of 2012. The aim of the act was to “strengthen the social enterprise business sector and make the concept of 'social value' more relevant and important in the placement and provision of public services”. It applies to all public services contracts (or framework agreements), and to those public services contracts which include...

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December 2019

When it came into effect in April 2016 the government’s mandate for the BIM Level 2 accreditation was initially regarded as a major step forward for firms wishing to supply public sector works. It was intended to promote the use of BIM and accelerate its growth. Nearly four years on BIM is becoming part of the landscape for an increasing number of practices. If the packed seminars at...

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November 2019

BIM (Building Information Modelling) has been revolutionizing the AEC over the past few years. The advantages of the long-term application of BIM in the field of project management is an area that has yet to reach its full potential. The need for management of an asset is a continuous process; from inception to demolition, a true cradle to grave cycle which involves handling large volumes of...

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October 2019

Increasingly one of the largest costs for smaller practices is the I.T. infrastructure that enables them to work competitively in the marketplace. The drive towards BIM level three will only compound this issue. Looking online only causes confusion, advice like “model your specifications around Movie Editing Software or Gaming Applications” is not always helpful, neither is the suggestion that...

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September 2019

Along with many other areas of the digital world, Virtual Reality (VR) has developed in leaps and bounds over the last couple of years. With improved quality and affordability, it is now realistic for practices of any size to utilise VR in their day to day interactions with clients and project partners.

In early 2017 AEC Magazine reported that Gensler, one of the world’s largest design and...

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