The Construction industry is evolving rapidly and it is difficult for the various stakeholders to continuously be kept updated on the changes

Up to 25% of AECO firms have yet to engage with BIM processes

Only 30% of projects have a complete uptake of BIM usage

85% of AECO firms expect to increase their BIM usage over the next year

40% of participants in construction projects have yet to engage with BIM in a meaningful way

The ever-evolving nature of BIM makes it difficult, daunting and time consuming to implement, especially for smaller firms. Driving Vision has developed quizzes to analyse your current operation, so we can propose a bespoke solution to keep you up to date with the latest trend in the industry.

Introduce new technologies that fit with your current workflow

Institute the basics required before fully embracing BIM and automation

Allow your people to work collaboratively and interdependently

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To implement BIM you need to have the right skills, the right technology and the right leadership in place. Do you have them?

Try our BIM Readiness Diagnostic

Technology is very varied and expensive. How do you know what is right for your practice?

Try our Technology Appraisal Diagnostic

Do you find that connecting your project information from concept to design to construction is difficult and confusing?

Try our Business Understanding Diagnostic

Projects requirements can vary from client to client. Is your organisation flexible enough to respond to their needs?

Try our Organisation Diagnostic

A lot of wasted time and material is costly. How do you prevent it?

Try our BIM Expertise Diagnostic

Are your processes automated to improve the quality of your output?

Try our Quality Control Diagnostic
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BIM Readiness

75% of practices using BIM make positive ROI by lowering costs and saving on resources

41% of practices using BIM decrease errors and omission resulting in greater efficiency

35% of practices using BIM claim less litigation thanks to improved communication and coordination

61% of practices interviewed expect to employ that method on at least on 10% of their projects in the next three years

31% of practices using BIM reduced their rework with higher quality results

In this diagnostic, we evaluate your BIM capabilities, if your culture is compatible with the BIM philosophy, and the investment required to make you BIM Level 3 ready.

Your BIM readiness report look at your capabilities, your culture and how well you use the technology and recommend actions to close the gaps.

A Driving Vision expert will conduct the interviews online and will issue a report and discuss with you our findings. Together we will decide the best way to implement the solutions at your pace and according to your budget.

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Technology Appraisal

Faster design and construction

Visualization at an early stage of the project

Better communication in the project with easier access to information

Increasing quality, efficiency and productivity

In this diagnostic, we look at the best way to insert new technology in your workflows and how to move your organisation to cloud computing so you can open up new possibilities for your daily planning tasks and make sure your data never leaves the optimally secured data centre.

The technology appraisal report will help you to explore what investment is required to improve your projects’ productivity and collaboration as well as the ROI you can expect on your investment.

A Driving Vision expert will conduct the interviews online and will issue a report and discuss with you our findings. Together we will decide the best way to implement the solutions at your pace and according to your budget.

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Business Understanding

According to international surveys, 65% of private sector owners and 70% of public sector owners require the use of BIM in new projects.

Mismanagement of project data and ineffective teams cost about £12 million annually, 2/3 of which is paid for by the owners.

More than 60% of the capital invested in construction does not meet the planned repayment dates

30% of the construction relates to resuming work

In this diagnostic, we evaluate how the business side of your organisation is integrated with the operational side to get the efficiency required at BIM level 3.

The Business Understanding report will tell you how to connect your project information from concept to design through preconstruction all the way to handover and beyond. It will also give you a solution to instantly access accurate information to positively influence workflows during the design phase and the construction.

A Driving Vision expert will conduct the interviews online and will issue a report and discuss with you our findings. Together we will decide the best way to implement the solutions at your pace and according to your budget.

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Recognition of employees’ skills, strengths and weaknesses brings the following benefits

Shared information within the company.

Ability to plan substitutes for holidays and sickness

Increase the effectiveness of departments and the Company as a whole

Develop a training and outsourcing plan to be able to cover all skills required

In this diagnostic, we evaluate which skills you have and if there are gaps to be filled either internally or externally to be BIM Level 3 ready.

The organisation report is central to a successful full BIM adoption, in line with the type of projects you produce and your clients’ organisation.

A Driving Vision expert will conduct the interviews online and will issue a report and discuss with you our findings. Together we will decide the best way to implement the solutions at your pace and according to your budget.

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BIM Expertise

Most firms intend to establish their best practices, but work gets in the way and they are never created. £220 million are wasted per year in the UK. As a result, there are people solving problems that others have already solved.

£88 million of material waste

80% of owners expect added costs

20% of projects overrun their schedule

3% - 5% Average cost increase after Brexit

In this diagnostic, we assess your understanding of BIM, how you manage your projects, how well you are using the BIM standards, and what benefits you expect from the BIM adoption in your organisation.

The BIM expertise report will look at how you can eliminate waste (time and material), improve your margins and the quality of the information provided at the design and construction phases.

A Driving Vision expert will conduct the interviews online and will issue a report and discuss with you our findings. Together we will decide the best way to implement the solutions at your pace and according to your budget.

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Quality Control

In order to enhance client satisfaction during a construction project, the project must meet the expected quality. The quality control process confirms that the project outcome meets the client's standards. There are many benefits of a quality model

It maintains a smooth workflow between design teams

Project design is delivered on time

Less cost is incurred to produce a designed model

Wastage is minimal from correction of model on-site and off-site

Having the right processes in place, together with automation, has the potential to dramatically improve your productivity and quality.

In this diagnostic, we examine how you deal with various issues and look at how we could automate and integrate your processes to improve the quality of your outputs to meet the requirements of BIM standards at Level 3.

The quality control report will let you know how you could automate your processes to improve the quality of your outputs and if you are compliant with ISO 19650.

A Driving Vision expert will conduct the interviews online and will issue a report and discuss with you our findings. Together we will decide the best way to implement the solutions at your pace and according to your budget.

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