Who is Benefiting from BIM in the Construction Industry? 2. Contractors and sub-contractors.

In this blog series you will find out how the various players in the Construction Industry

  • Clients and facility managers, published 2 July 2021
  • Contractors and sub-contractors, published 9 July 2021
  • Architects and engineers, to be published 16 July 2021

can fully embrace the BIM culture and get more projects with fewer people

Key Challenges faced by contractors and subcontractors

Maintaining schedules and good communication

Driving Vision's change management expertise and automated processes helps you deal with change orders and safety tracking, allows simultaneous information sharing, reduces data silos, and improves communication across all stakeholders. Driving Vision help your management team to set goals for fully implementing BIM and make sure that these goals are understood by every team member, planned for, and delivered, to facilitate:

The use of new rapidly changing technologies to be integrated into your workflows

We partner with Procore to improve communication for the remote workforce, we make your business more adaptable and future-proof, we help you to stay connected. By optimising digital technology, in the absence of true face-to-face interaction, our tools have become essential to maintaining schedules and good communication on job sites, enabling teams to close the distances and utilise time more effectively.

The data exchange for the enterprise system to be developed.

Construction is a 'team sport' with a multitude of different disciplines coming together (at various stages) to work on the delivery of a project. Ever closer collaboration is key to realising the benefits of a BIM approach and therefore how the information will be delivered across the project lifecycle needs to be carefully considered from the outset. The Driving Vision tool kit allows you to:

  • Exchange information on a BIM project. For information to be successfully exchanged it is necessary for all contributors to understand what they need to provide (and what others will be providing too) and how this information will be both presented and used. Driving Vision automated templates allow you at the beginning of a project to decide with the teams how the information is exchanged.

  • Help with its BIM Execution Planning tool, for each project, to define the required information, in an agreed format, to be delivered to the client at key points during the project lifecycle. At these information delivery points, data can be analysed and decisions can be considered based on the information available to multiple stakeholders. This information ensures that projects are properly validated and controlled as they develop.

  • Build information as a BIM project progresses providing the right level of details, at the right time, to the right people.

  • Set out how the information is delivered, across the project lifecycle needs, from the outset of the project.

  • Allow the supply chain to exchange their own information as frequently as they wish even if not exchanged with the employer.

The ongoing review of the individual training

Making changes to the way you work by introducing new tools and processes might sound like too much disruption to be worthwhile, but it is an essential part of developing a company. Being sure that everyone on your team is up to date on the latest best practices and technology, means you can count on them to operate at the best. As your BIM coordinator Driving Vision provides your team with all the necessary training and coaching to make sure they have the confidence and understanding to elevate their work to another level. BIM involves the whole supply chain so training should be carried out with all project partners including clients and site teams to ensure all parties have a full understanding of how the process is managed through the Common Data Environment.

The activities and tasks progress undertaken to achieve the necessary deliverables.

The deliverables and milestones related to the goals and objectives should be understood by all stakeholders. Driving Vision and Plannerly share the same vision of simple BIM planning.

Plannerly's document module allows you to drag and drop to rapidly create BIM contracts by dragging and dropping from industry-standard BIM templates, from your company standards, and/or from previous projects.

No standardised processes

The construction industry uses and generates huge quantities of data. Data might be generated by a very wide variety of sources. An external partner can help.

Driving Vision helps you to streamline your processes and manage your data to:

Standardise your processes

  • 90% of general contractors said Procore helped standardising processes
  • 88% of specialty contractors said Procore helped standardising processes
  • 86% of owners responded that it helped them to own their project data through the life cycle of their assets

The construction industry uses and generates huge quantities of data. Data might be generated by a very wide variety of sources. Driving Vision help you to streamline your processes and manage your data to:

  • Provide greater transparency and encourage participation
  • Make it easier to share and use information
  • Encourage collaboration

Provide greater transparency and encourage participation

  • 90% of general contractors said Procore helped to standardise processes
  • 88% of specialty contractors said Procore helped to standardise processes
  • 86% of owners responded that it helped them to own their project data through the life cycle of their assets

The construction industry uses and generates huge quantities of data. Data might be generated by a very wide variety of sources.

Driving Vision helps you to streamline your processes and manage your data to:

  • Provide greater transparency and encourage participation
  • Make it easier to share and use information
  • Encourage collaboration

Improve Communication

In a recent survey Procore found out that the respondents claimed:

  • 79% improved communication for a remote workforce
  • 84% improved documentation of sites issues
  • 85% improved communication of sites issues

Optimising digital technology is probably just what the construction industry needed. Now in the absence of true face-to-face interactions these tools have become essential to maintaining schedules and good communication. They have become as ubiquitous as a hammer drill or backhoe on job sites, enabling teams to close the distances and utilise time more effectively” says the FMI.

Driving Vision help your management team to set goals for fully implementing BIM and make sure that these goals are understood by every team member, planned for, and delivered, to facilitate:

  • The use of new rapidly changing technologies to be integrated in your workflows
  • The data exchange for the enterprise system to be developed
  • The ongoing review of the individual training
  • The activities and tasks progress undertaken to achieve the necessary deliverables
  • The deliverables and milestones related to the goals and objectives

Manage Change

  • 88% of general contractors say Procore change management tool helped better manage change orders on their projects
  • 89% of owners say Procore change management tool helped better manage change orders on their projects
  • 85% of specialty contractors say Procore change management tool helped better manage change orders on their projects

Change orders are common to most projects and quite common on large projects.

After the original scope (or contract) is formed, complete with the total price to be paid and the specific work to be completed, a client may decide that the original plans do not best represent their definition for the finished project. Accordingly, the client will suggest an alternate approach.

Driving Vision collaborative approach helps you to build in industry standards in your workflows, to visually define the Geometry, Documentation, and Information requirements for each milestone, and get from the whole project team, an agreement on the who, what, when, and why!

Grow Your Business

Procore survey respondents said:

  • 30% General contractors increase in business volume
  • 24% Specialty contractor increase in business volume
  • 24% Owners increase in business volume

While construction output is slightly above the February 2020 level it is still down by 0.3% (£40 million) on the level of output in January 2020 because of February being impacted by adverse weather. In 2021 the construction output should grow rapidly.

Driving Vision will automate your processes to help you to increase your revenue. You will stay ahead of the competition, as BIM best practices allow you to win bigger and more rewarding projects with the same level of staff.

Reduce Litigation

6 out of 7 survey respondents agree Procore has more protection in a litigation scenario

  • 87% of general contractors agree
  • 80% of owners agree

Litigation is not uncommon in the construction industry because of its adversarial nature and the tendency for disputes to arise. The basic factors that drive the development of construction disputes are uncertainty, contractual problems, and behaviour.

Driving Vision solutions increase visibility, enhance communication, improve collaboration, streamline and automate processes, and introduce consistency in your workflow, mitigating the risks of litigations.

Get Higher profit

80% of respondents believe implementing Procore financial tools has improved transparency between project management and accounting teams

*71% reduced the amount of rework *71% of respondents exceeded profit and cash goals

The cost of material is rising on a monthly basis, McKinsey highlights supply chain interruptions and a decrease in demand for new construction as additional hurdles.

Driving Vision solutions help to eliminate waste and reduce costs and non-recoverable expenses by:

  • using templates to quickly create and agree on your BIM standards, processes, and contracts
  • defining the geometry, documentation, and information requirements for each milestone
  • letting each team assign and sequence their own tasks in a single location allowing teams to quickly manage their own tasks for collaborative status updates verifying 2D drawings and 3D models right alongside the project requirements validating each deliverable for compliance before use# Get Higher profit

How Can BIM Benefits Contractors and Sub Contractors?

  • Improve onsite collaboration and communication. Cloud-based PCs allow project teams to take the office to the field. *More effective construction cost estimation by including estimators earlier in the planning stage. *Visualise projects in preconstruction before the shovel hits the ground.
  • Better Coordination and Clash Detection BIM allows you to better coordinate trades and subcontractors, detecting any MEP, internal, or external clashes before construction begins reducing the amount of rework needed on any given job by avoiding clashes.
  • Drag and drop to assign to Teams and/or more detailed Team Member assignments. Let task teams use simple browser-based task editing to prioritize their work for clash avoidance rather than for clash detection and remove hours of rework from your BIM schedule. Capture logic between tasks to show relationships on the schedule. Print tasks for in-person pull planning and Lean design and construction management workflows
  • Mitigate risk and reduce cost. McKinsey found that 75% of companies that have adopted BIM reported positive returns on their investments.

These benefits are available to all types of contractors and subcontractors on almost all types of projects.

Driving Vision research demonstrates that in general companies have embraced BIM as a tool but are not fully aware of the BIM requirements in the delivery process, the selection of service providers, and the approach to projects necessary to fully realise BIM’s benefits.

In Conclusion

BIM is a way of working together it gives you the ability to scope, plan, design, track, view, construct, and maintain your projects in an environmentally friendly way.

All stakeholders in a project can access a huge volume of data simultaneously, creating a complete digital description of a building project in a single, always updated file. The model is built up using a library of standard objects.

The use of automation in BIM gives you time to consider the sustainability of the project. It enables designers and planners to create more cost and schedule scenarios in a fraction of the time, allowing them to think more creatively about new sustainability solutions.

BIM moves documentation and designs out of a ring binder into a digital space, making collaboration, visualisation, and decision making transparent and timely, through automated and integrated processes.

To get the most out of BIM you have to invest in employee training. At Driving Vision, we understand that getting the most out of your BIM tools is not easy but with the right training, you can enjoy a 24% higher profit margin versus companies who don’t invest in people training.

Implementing BIM can be daunting, but Driving Vision is here to help you at the pace you are comfortable with. Get started by getting in touch now

How can we maximise your return on investment?


Of practices using BIM made positive ROI


Of practices using BIM improved health and safety


Of practices using BIM decreased errors and omission


Of practices using BIM enhanced their practice image


Of practices using BIM claimed less litigations


Of practices using BIM reduced rework

It might seem daunting, time consuming & prohibitive for smaller practices, to implement BIM. Not with Driving Vision!

Get in touch with us!

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