Training How Delightful Can it Be to Dominate the Competition with Fewer People?

This blog is part of a series to find out how well your firm copes with the 6 required drivers, named “EARTHS”, to fully embrace the BIM culture. and get more projects with fewer people.

Well trained, engaged employees are more efficient, more productive and better at meeting expectations.

Did you know?

  • that firms that offer comprehensive training programs have 218% higher income per employee than companies without formalized training. As found out in research from Shift eLearning
  • A survey from Ladders shows that 86% of millennials are more inclined to stay at their current company if they are given access to quality training and development.

The BIM culture of continuous learning goes well beyond how to use your firm’s software.

It is a new way of working and thinking to encompass:

  • how your team interacts,
  • how much mentoring happens, and
  • how much each individual contributes to the outcome of the work you do.

The BIM culture determines how well your firm can compete for more and bigger projects.

BIM is not all about software, it’s about: - how a firm is run, - how the team embraces the tools that they have, and - how willing leadership is to continuously improve.

Most firms intend to establish their best practices,

but work gets in the way and they are never created. £220 million are wasted per year in the UK. As a result, there are people solving problems that others have already solved.

The Driving Vision expertise diagnostic assess your understanding of BIM and training needs

  • how you manage your projects,
  • how well you are using the BIM standards, and
  • what benefits you expect from the BIM adoption in your organisation.

The BIM expertise report will look at how you can

  • eliminate waste (time and material),
  • improve your margins and the quality of the information provided at the design and construction phases.

In conclusion

Continuous learning is the concept of always expanding your knowledge to gain new skills and expertise. For your practice, it is about encouraging employees to steadily learn by providing them with the tools that facilitate this learning.

It is important for your practice as it is stimulating the brain with the continual learning of new information. It does:

  • enhance the cognitive ability of the individual,
  • increase problem-solving ability and memory.

Here are some of the most reported benefits:

  • facilitates adaptation,
  • your employees are constantly pushing your business forward by learning new skills,
  • your practice is always at the forefront of the industry,
  • creates an open environment that allows people to share knowledge.
  • You are training your employees for future opportunities in your organisation. Hiring from within saves time, money, resources, and reduces employee turnover.

Keep reading other articles in this series

Implementing BIM can be daunting, but Driving Vision is here to help you at the pace you are comfortable with. Get started by getting in touch now

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We act as your BIM coordinator

We Support your BIM IT

We Train & Coach you

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