Reinforcement How Delightful Can it Be to Dominate the Competition with Fewer People?

This blog is part of a series to find out how well your firm copes with the 6 required drivers, named “EARTHS”, to fully embrace the BIM culture. and get more projects with fewer people.

Do you use way too much software?

A lot of firms use many software products to create their designs when one or two would do the trick. Other firms re-build models because they design and document in different tools. Using the right platform can often replace three or four pieces of software and systemise your way of working.

Why should you systemise your workflows?

System integration is defined in information technology as the process of linking together different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally to act as a coordinated whole. System integration involves integrating existing, often disparate systems in such a way that it focuses on increasing value to your customer.

How can system integration make your clients happy?

In order to enhance client satisfaction during a construction project, the project must meet the expected quality. The automated quality control process confirms that the project outcome meets the client's standards. There are many benefits of a quality model:

  • It maintains a smooth workflow between design and construction teams
  • Project design and construction are delivered on time
  • Less cost is incurred to produce a designed model and build an asset
  • Wastage is minimal from correction of model on-site and off-site and a smooth procurement.

How can Driving Vision help?

Take the Quality Control diagnostic to find how you deal with various issues and if you would benefit from automating and integrating your processes to improve the quality of your outputs to meet the requirements of BIM standards at Level 3. The quality control report will let you know how you could automate your processes to improve the quality of your outputs and if you are compliant with ISO 19650.

In conclusion

Having the right processes in place, together with automation, has the potential to dramatically improve your productivity and quality.

Keep reading other articles in this series

Implementing BIM can be daunting, but Driving Vision is here to help you at the pace you are comfortable with. Get started by getting in touch now

How do we work with you?

Improve collaboration between all stakeholders on your projects

Enhance the visualisation of your projects

Streamline & Optimise your processes

We help you to embed BIM into your practice culture

We drive you all the way through to BIM level 3 where your teams are interdependent, your systems unified, and your process optimal.

Our diagnostic analyses the way you work so we can build a bespoke roadmap for you to achieve BIM level 3 helping you to:

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