What Are the Benefits & Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Construction?

This article is part of a blog series, which explores the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in construction.

The construction industry is facing quite complex challenges, cost and time overruns, health and safety, productivity, and labor shortages. The industry has not developed digitalization as far as other industries have, preventing it to address the challenges it currently faces.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), and its associated technologies, like machine learning, knowledge-based systems, computer vision, robotics and optimization have been introduced in other industries to achieve great benefits such as:

  • increased profitability
  • efficiency
  • safety and security

AI applications in the construction industry present opportunities but also challenges to fully implementing the right solutions. Due to the absence of adequate digital skills, and poor technology adoption, the industry has not yet overcome its poor performance in terms of:

  • cost inefficiencies
  • project delays
  • poor quality
  • poor decision-making
  • lack of productivity
  • health and safety

Artificial intelligence could help to improve automation and provide superior competitive advantages compared to conventional approaches. Here is how the application of AI and its subdomains can address the construction challenges:

  • monitor health and safety
  • estimate costs
  • improve processes
  • mitigate risks

Integrated with robotics AI could help:

  • Monitoring performances on site
  • improving offsite assembly processes
  • controlling materials, plant, and equipment
  • managing risk and waste
  • assessing sustainability

So why is AI so little used in construction? Is it due to:

  • cultural barriers, trust, security?
  • high costs of implementing AI-based solutions?
  • talent shortages?
  • computing power and internet connectivity?

It could be all of the above! To address these issues we have made some research on how AI applications could be developed. We explore in this article the challenges and future opportunities for AI applications in the construction industry.

What issues can Artificial Intelligence and its subdomains solve?

Intelligent machines surpass humans in learning how to take advantage of technologies such as big data and computer processing power. The major AI solutions can solve the following issues:

  • learning
  • knowledge representation
  • perception
  • planning
  • action
  • communication.

Future opportunities and challenges of AI applications

Over 60% of AI applications in the construction industry are using quantum computing, Cybersecurity, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain technologies.

AI and its subdomains

AI delivers proven results in reducing cost and time, improving safety, getting better accuracy, and overall increased productivity.

The main challenges of implementing AI in construction come from the fact that:

  • data are incomplete
  • investment is significant,
  • data and knowledge are difficult to get

The adoption of AI techniques combined with Building Information Modelling (BIM) helps:

  • optimizing designs for offsite construction
  • choosing the right materials
  • reusing objects from previous projects
  • making waste efficiencies
  • optimizing building deconstruction

Quantum computing

Quantum computing solves computational tasks more efficiently than classical computers. AI can use Quantum computing to accelerate problem-solving.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT uses sensors, actuators, wireless technologies (e.g. RFID), cloud computing, and faster and cheaper devices with increased processing capabilities.

The IoT, integrated with AI, can solve energy-saving issues.

The IoT-enabled BIM platforms improve real-time visibility and traceability in modular and prefabrication construction technics. IoT can also generate early warnings and alarms in hazardous construction sites.

The Blockchain technology can help solve cyber threats.

The threats are common in the construction industry. Cybercrimes have increased with the introduction of level 3 BIM, the use of immersive technologies (AR/VR), the IoT, and AI. By using cryptology Blockchain integrated with AI can help to ensure the legitimacy of transactions and secure data.

Waste management.

Waste in construction and demolition is rapidly and continually developing. They are detrimental to the environment, a paradigm change in waste management using advanced data analytics could minimize waste extensively thanks to:

  • waste intelligence, reducing waste after it occurred
  • waste analytics, minimizing waste through design using BIM

Future opportunities and benefits

Here are the seven major opportunities and benefits for AI applications in the construction industry:

1. Cost Estimation and scheduling

AI-based estimation models help to produce accurate estimates, at the early stages of a project, reducing economic and financial risks.

Using BIM 4D (time) and 5D (costs) with AI, increases the accuracy and reliability of cost and time estimates in the construction industry.

BIM automation with AI, for cost and time estimation processes, can even further reduce the work of cost estimators.

2. Improve construction site management with analytics

Thanks to the IoT sensors and AI, used on construction sites, the industry is moving to smart site management.

A large volume of images, videos, and other forms of data can be collected in real-time from construction sites. AI aggregates these data in BIM and analyses performances to improve project management and optimize:

  • planning
  • safety
  • quality
  • scheduling
  • design
  • cost.

3. Job creation will emerge

Construction jobs are evolving rapidly thanks to automation using technologies such as AI and IoT:

  • medium to low educated jobs are at high risk (38–45%) to disappear due to the introduction of AI by the mid-2030s, but low to medium-skilled workers will be able, with little training, to change their work, to become trainers and testers of the new systems.

  • New roles will be needed such as BIM project managers, technical coordinators in design, AI researcher engineers, etc.

4. AI and BIM combined improve communication

BIM is now adopted worldwide. The UK government even mandated BIM level 2 for all publicly procured projects.

But BIM adoption in small projects is still very low. Combining BIM applications with AI subdomains such as voice integration, and messaging systems, can accelerate the transfer of data amongst the various stakeholders of a project and speed up significantly the communication, data recording, and archiving processes.

5. Supply chain management

AI introduced in the supply chain process will help to deliver projects on time and on budget.

The major issues in supply chain excellence and outcomes are linked to a lack of knowledge education and supply chain culture. AI techniques can play a significant role in solving these issues.

The introduction of IoT-based real-time risk monitoring systems will help improve product quality and mitigate safety risks.

Real-time integration of decentralized supply chains using blockchain and AI will guarantee the transparency and legitimacy of transactions and help solve the lack of trust and poor communication issues in the construction supply chain.

AI can be used to manage the whole supply chain process to detect potential issues early and deliver projects on time, on budget, and with high quality.

6. Health and safety analytics

Ai introduced in the Health and Safety management will reduce potential accidents.

The construction industry has a higher risk of injuries and deaths than other industries due to working on heights, getting trapped, falling objects ( equipment and tools), dust and toxic materials, and loss of hearing due to noise. It means that companies could:

  • lose their reputation,
  • deliver below-par productivity,
  • pay high insurance premiums,
  • incur high litigations and claim costs.

AI, associated with the following technologies, may significantly reduce health and safety issues and lower accident risks:

  • BIM-based fall hazard identification and prevention
  • sensor-based technologies and BIM
  • wearable technology
  • Robotics
  • computer vision,
  • advanced data analytics
  • optimization techniques

7. Contract management

Construction contract management can be very complex due to the number of stakeholders involved in a project. Mistakes often have huge implications like litigation costs, project delays, and loss of reputation.

Automation of contract management with AI will speed up the process and improve the accuracy of data. Driving Vision use Plannerly to create clients’ contracts to:

  • reduce manual steps filtering the appointment process
  • merge EIR (Exchange Information Requirements), BEPs (BIM Execution Plans), Responsibility Matrices, Information Protocol, and more into a single formatted PDF format
  • control access to each document while keeping all contracts stored securely with the relevant project data.
  • request one or more team members’ document approval with a simple checkmark.
  • integrate the role of multiple tools to create professional agreements with integrated eSignature in just a few clicks

In Conclusion

Artificial intelligence has, until recently, been considered a futuristic science fiction robot. You are probably more familiar with AI than you think. You are probably using Amazon’s Alexa or the automated spelling mistakes on your smartphones.

The construction industry is benefiting greatly from AI:

  • better productivity
  • improved quality and safety of your projects.

McKinsey predicts that a monumental shift is coming in the near future. AI has to be used in the construction industry to streamline operations to solve well-known problems in the industry today:

  • low profitability rate
  • schedule delays
  • cost overruns
  • safety issues.

AI is the future of the construction industry it can:

  • improve the way teams create 3D Models with generative design
  • help construction managers measure site progress:

    • power solid fleet management
    • create safer construction sites
    • mitigate labor shortages

Implementing BIM can be daunting, but Driving Vision is here to help you at the pace you are comfortable with. Get started by getting in touch now

We focus on the only 3 ways to maximise ROI

You minimise the level of investment required to implement BIM as we share the Research and Development costs with other client

You increase your revenue by staying ahead of the competition as BIM best practices allows you to win bigger and more rewarding projects.

You reduce your costs, more than our fees cost you, by decreasing potential litigations, rework, and errors and omissions

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