2) What are the main 6 Pain Points for the Construction Industry in the UK in 2021?

Poor communication and lack of information

This blog series discusses the six most common Architects, Engineers, Construction, Operation (AECO) industry's pain points, in 2021 in the United Kingdom, and how digital transformation can help overcome these challenges. The following blogs are published as follows:

  1. Shortage of skilled construction labour. Monday 8/02/2021.
  2. Poor communication and lack of information. Friday 12/02/2021.
  3. Project management and collaboration. Friday 19/02/2021.
  4. Low productivity. Friday 26/02/2021.
  5. Inefficient data collection and handling. Friday 6/03/2021.
  6. Building future-proof processes. Friday 13/03/2021.

2) Poor communication and lack of information

The multitude of stakeholders in the value chain including architects, engineers, surveyors, contractors, and subcontractors scattered across the country and working on different projects, makes the process of tracking data and data integrity, overly complex. Most of the time, data is not recorded properly and made available to the various teams. This results in

  • gaps in communication,
  • a lot of unnecessary reworks and errors causing high variances between estimated budget and actual costs.
  • teams are frustrated resulting in high staff turnover.

One of the main consequences of this situation is low productivity as reflected in the statistics below:

  • 68% of people in the industry point to poor schedule management.
  • 60% of general contractors see problems with coordination and communication between project team members and issues with the quality of contract documents as the key contributors to decreased labour productivity.

One of the most effective ways to tackle this issue is through using Cloud-based software to automate data sharing as explained below.

What could be automated?

What solutions Driving Vision could propose to help you?

Driving Vision will analyse your current operation to propose a solution that:

  1. introduces new technologies that fit with your current workflow,
  2. institutes the basics required before fully embracing BIM and automation,
  3. allows your people to work collaboratively and interdependently whilst integrating your processes through automated systems that are transparent and seamless.

Here are some examples of what we look at to improve your communication and optimise your information flow:

  • Cloud-based resources to facilitate real-time communication and remote working.
  • Data management system.
  • Real-time data access.
  • Mobile access to data on any devices via internet.
  • Video Conferencing and private instant messaging.
  • Virtual desktops, as a service, on the cloud.

How will these solutions help you to mitigate the risks?

  • Virtual desktops allow all users to see and discuss the most recent BIM file model, in real-time, making meetings more efficient and allowing clearer communication.
  • Prevention of using outdated files.
  • Detection and prevention of any risks of fraud. Making you compliant with ISO 27001 (Information Security)
  • Ensuring budget compliance for different projects.
  • Achieving business' financial goals.
  • Quick issue resolution.
  • High-quality assets
  • Projects delivered on time and on budget.
  • Accurate cash flow management

If you want to digitalise your business painlessly, see what Driving Vision can do for you.  

Implementing BIM can be daunting, but Driving Vision is here to help you at the pace you are comfortable with. Get started by getting in touch now

We focus on the only 3 ways to maximise ROI

You minimise the level of investment required to implement BIM as we share the Research and Development costs with other client

You increase your revenue by staying ahead of the competition as BIM best practices allows you to win bigger and more rewarding projects.

You reduce your costs, more than our fees cost you, by decreasing potential litigations, rework, and errors and omissions

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