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January 2021

Driving Vision is pleased to publish on its blog an article from Clive Jordan, developer of bespoke business software solutions, on the pros and cons of using a Spreadsheet or a Database



  • Easy to learn – minimal skillset required
  • Data is very visual and easy to understand
  • You can just start typing data straight away
  • Excellent for “What If”...
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December 2020

The management of a construction project is often a tale of differing opinions and views. These issues come from the unique structure of construction projects. All stakeholders have different views and interests that could be hard to reconcile. The clients, lenders, material suppliers, engineers, builders, and subcontractors are all likely to approach the project from their own point of view....

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December 2020

Mick Merrick Partner at Integrated Growth Solutions - iGS. Specialists in R&D Tax Relief has generously agreed to write the following article on our Blog. Driving Vision are always looking for creative ways to save money for our clients. The average claim on R&D tax credit is around £ 50,000!


Before it is built, every building will have evolved through an iterative process in...

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November 2020

2020 has brought a seismic shift in the working environment for the whole construction industry. The prospect of long term remote working has left many companies re-evaluating their working practices and looking to technology to support the changes in their practices.

Other changes that have major impact on the way buildings and infrastructure projects are constructed are taking place at...

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October 2020

ISO 19650 is a series of international standards that define the collaborative processes for the effective management of information. It is closely aligned with the previous BS/PAS 1192 standards, which it replaces, and the UK BIM framework.

Information management can be defined as “a cycle of organisational activity: the acquisition of information from one or more sources, the custodianship...

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